

会社名 荒崎シップヤード(荒崎造船所)
所在地 〒238-0316 神奈川県横須賀市長井6丁目29-1
電話番号 046-856-3733
FAX番号 046-856-9695


Corporate philosophy





The racing experience that we have experienced overseas / domestic so far ... That is the source of our technological strength

The "Arasaki Racing Team", which was the first Japanese to win the world powerboat competition (3 locations in the US, Florida, and Key West) and has continued to challenge the world's highest peak American powerboat, is here at "Arasaki Shipyard & Machinery Works" (Arasaki Shipyard & Machinery Works). Currently Arasaki Shipyard) ”was born.

Our experience as a constructor at the world's premier powerboat race based in the United States has cultivated a stronger technical dimension for us. From engine tuning that produces 4000 horsepower to hull design, the excellent "craftsmanship" that challenged the world with "completely self-made boats" has been applied to all ships and inherited.

It is a shipyard (marina) that provides technical support, storage, and operation of all types of vessels, from commercial vessels to dedicated pressure plates, making use of the technology and experience cultivated so far. With our unique marine technology, we fully support various needs in the marine environment in recent years.



1949年 横須賀市・長井出身。 長年にわたり鉄工所を営んできた家業に中で育つ
1967年 荒崎造船所・荒崎マリーナ代表取締役 就任
1970年代後半~1980年代 カニ籠漁・カツオ船漁・サンゴ漁等といった漁業に従事
1985年 マリンスポーツ財団主催 国内パワーボートレース参戦 優勝歴4回
1986年 アメリカオフショア・パワーボートレースに「完全自作艇」で日本人として初めて参戦
1988年 マリーナでの使用を主とした船体移動用牽引車(クルーザー・プル)の特許取得。全国のマリーナにて展開・販売を広げる
1989年 アメリカにて開催された「パワーボート・ワールドチャンピオンレース」参戦、日本人として初の優勝3回を遂げる(アメリカ・フロリダ・キーウェスト)
2011年 東日本大震災が発生。長年培ってきた人脈や経験を活かした、ボランティア活動を始動させる。飲料水や毛布の手配、船舶の寄贈、寺院の建造といった活動を積極的に展開
2013年 ダライ・ラマ法王14世と会談
2018年 ダライ・ラマ法王14世と再び会談
In 1949 Born in Nagai, Yokosuka City in 1949. Growing up in the family business that has been running an ironworks for many years
In 1967 1967 Appointed CEO of Arasaki Shipyard / Arasaki Marina
1970s to the 1980s From the latter half of the 1970s to the 1980s, following fishing industries such as crab basket fishing, bonito boat fishing, coral fishing, etc.
In 1985 1985 Marine Sports Foundation sponsored domestic powerboat race participation 4 times
In 1986 1986 First Japanese to participate in the American Offshore Powerboat Race with a "completely self-made boat"
In 1988 1988 Obtained a patent for a tow vehicle (cruiser pull) for hull movement, mainly used in marina. Expand development and sales at marina nationwide
In 1989 Participated in the "Powerboat World Champion Race" held in the United States in 1989, and achieved the first Japanese victory three times (Key West, Florida, USA).
In 2011 2011 Great East Japan Earthquake occurred. Start volunteer activities that make use of the personal connections and experience that we have cultivated over many years. Actively develop activities such as arranging drinking water and blankets, donating ships, and building temples
In 2013 2013 Talks with Pope Dalai Lama XIV
In 2018 2018 Meeting with Pope Dalai Lama 14 again

荒崎シップヤード代表 北条茂のビジョン

Arasaki Shipyard Representative Shigeru Hojo's Vision

President Shigeru Hojo




A rich sea world and limited marine resources for the next generation ...
That is our mission

Growing up in the family business that has been running an ironworks for many years under a great location such as "Arasaki", which is the entrance to the Miura Peninsula and faces Sagami Bay. Over the years, he has cultivated general knowledge and technology such as manufacturing, repair, maintenance, and storage of ships. In addition, he is also involved in the management of multiple marina, and disseminates "the beauty, fun, and splendor of the abundant sea" to customers not only in Japan but also around the world.

In recent years, he has been focusing on volunteer activities and philanthropic activities in order to tackle environmental problems related to the sea and pass on sustainable marine resources to the next generation.